We are in Basin and Range country. The face of the old coin operated slot machine shows TRIPLE DIAMOND - TRIPLE DIAMOND - DOUBLE BAR, WHICH PAYS 3 x 3 x 100 = 900 NICKEL COINS 900 nickel JACKPOT! The Range refers to mountains which can be seen from everywhere in town - not the tallest but craggy with an assortment of rocks from boulders to gravel. This is very dry country, dry and high (5600 feet) enough to be mildly uncomfortable at times. We are both mildly uncomfortable at five to six thousand feet, because of the thin air, and this discomfort is exacerbated by wearing masks. Probably half at most of the people we see wear masks, but we don't mix with others, even in the casinos. Casinos are designed to handle three or four times the number of people we see here; there is plenty of room to find good distance from Wearing her blue winter coat and a black mask, Elsa stands in the restaurant lobby next to an old yellow oak Wurlitzer Elsa and an old Wurlitzer others. Just in case you are worried.

Signs may point to Salmon Creek and to a reservoir, but they are invisible in this largely uninhabited part of Nevada. Basins are large flat areas, parts of which have been cleared, some with irrigation rigs ready for Spring alfafa planting.

Our hotel is comfortable and offered an excellent breakfast, plus all of the expected Solo appears to be trying to pass through a flat metal plate Han Solo Hampton Inn services.

Today we went north from Wells to Jackpot, on the border with Idaho. Driving through the basin we were startled to find the mountains disappearing as we neared Jackpot. Instead, we found flat-topped mesas. There is evidence of mining, past and present, but most enterprise is cattle ranching. Traffic was mostly large trucks heading for larger cities.

Jackpot is a wide spot on the highway housing several casinos and some truck repair businesses. We visited a couple, happy to find some games with new graphics. It seems that The case displays a model of the Star Wars character Yoda Yoda the busy times are on weekends. We were starting to think about lunch when we found the wing of one casino which still requires nickels - you put your nickels, from 1 to many more if you are a dedicated gambler with no fear of spending money. In a slot, the machine credits your bet, and pays you in nickels.

That experience in nostalgia was a great topper for our investigation today, as Bob hit a jackpot which paid 900 nickels. It took two pint-sized plastic cups to tote this haul to the cashier where a whirling machine digested the hall and the nice lady paid us in greenbacks!

Naturally we were taken by that Casino, called Barton's 93 club (it's on U.S. 93). So we had lunch and photographed some of the Wurlitzers and some of the Star Wars characters on display.

To cap off the day we drove 17 miles North into Idaho, in this ranchland with flat-topped mesas. Returning home it was quite remarkable how the landscape abruptly changed from mesas to basin-and-range country just at the Nevada border.